
First time with solids...FAIL!!...But so cute!

Thursday, we tried some rice cerel...and while she throughly enjoyed being naked (of course) and getting dirty...I don't believe she got much in her mouth and down to her tummy. But we all had fun doing it and the pics turned out so cute!

Exhibit A
At first, we tried the Dr. Suess bib...she didn't really go for that...
So, we took it off...and she tried the cerel again...
"Okay, mommy, I'll try it..."
"I don't think so..."
"Dad...are you watching this? Why don't you tell her to stop?"
"I'm a little ham!!"

These pictures was after her bath...which she always loves!

"Oh, I'm shy and don't want my picture taken!"

We're going to try again tonight or tomrrow night...hopefully, it will get better!
God Bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute! I love the little ham picture!

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