
Happy Father's Day!

Sunday, we celebrated Justin's first father's day by going to church, hangin out together, having dinner with our familys and our own fathers...and with Molly going "swimming" for the first time!

Molly's bow was made by the AWESOME Michellene at Princess Couture!! Check her out and make sure to check out Molly on her Princesses page!!

Molly got her daddy a couple of pairs of shorts, a pair of flippy floppies, a couple of polo shirts (which I need to exchange the next time I go to Branson) and a card...
She had just woken up from a nap, so that's why she's still naked and partially in her Woombie!
Then, we went "swimming"...we got her a little pool and I could fit in too b/c she's not quite ready to be in there by herself with one of us on the outside. (obviously, we would never leave her there by herself)
Please excuse my VERY white self...I haven't been outside much this year yet!! OBVIOUSLY!!

"Just chillin' mommy!!" She wasn't sure about it at first, but then she started splashing around and playing...
We are going to do it again soon! We LOVE the summer! (which is a good thing...b/c it is SOOOOOOO hot here in Springvegas!!)

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