So...What's Molly been up to? Well, she's developed into quite the little person with quite the little personality.
She's sleeping 8-10 hours per night...there have been wakeful periods recently that she's woken up at 3-4 in the morning. She's still eating 3-4 bottles per day of formula. 6 oz usually, 8 at night. She's still not eating any kind of real food...puffs, crackers, cherrios, nothing. She digs any fruits and veggies long as it's pureed...:) It's frustrating but we're working on it.
She's a part-time stander. She isn't too interested in it though. Neither is she interested in walking...but she's cruising aorund on everything and I think in the next month, we might just be in trouble.
She's taking 2 naps per day...although that's a rough thing right now. She wants to sleep in our arms or not at all. I'm not sure where that came from. :) I don't mind it though...there's nothing I like better than holding her for hours on end.
She's wearing size 3 diapers...but as soon as we run out of the current 3's...we will be going to size 4.
She's wearing mainly 12 month clothing...with a few 18 months thrown in. After 12 months...her wordrobe is kinda lacking... hopefully she gets som stuff for her birthday! Hint, Hint
She still loves bathtime...I hope that never changes.
She can thrown a temper tantrum with the best of 'em. OMG! They are too funny! She'll scream and scream and scream some more...then stop to turn and look if you are watching...OMG...I'm in trouble.
I'm hard at work planning her birthday party. It's going to be on Feb. 19th at my parent's house. I'll be showing you all the prep as it comes in.
God Bless!
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