
Challenge Day 4: Your favorite book

Well, this one is kinda difficult b/c I'm not really sure...so instead I'll make a list of books that I LOVE and maybe you will love them too!

1. The Notebook
2. The Harry Potter Series (reading this now!! For the first time!!! L-O-V-E it!)
3. The Twilight Series (more b/c I'm a teeny bopper wannabe)
4. Band of Brothers
5. The Gossip Girl Series

I'm sure there are more but I'm drawing a blank right now b/c I'm STUCK on Harry Potter!!!

God Bless!

1 comment:

Guillen said...

I love Harry Potter! I didn't start reading them until the OOTP came out but I loved them from that moment on. I can't count the number of times I've read them since then. I also went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando this summer. So. Very. Cool. Happy reading!

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