The contractions were about 4:30 minutes apart. I called my mom and put her "on alert" and then called Justin (who wasn't home yet....5:45) and told him that he probably needed to head this way. Around 6:00, I called mom again and told her to come on over to watch Molly. We were going to head to the hospital and see "what was up". Justin got home and we ate (I know, looking back, probably should have just headed out) and hot to the hospital around 6:50.
The triage nurse checked me (6 cm and 100%) and my contractions (which were 2:30 minutes apart now) and got started on my paper work. They asked if I had my epidural interview done and then really started rushing around. My contractions were totally out of control painful....nuts I'm telling you!!
I got back to the labor and delivery room around 7:30 and wasn't totally not handling ANYTHING well. My blood pressure was 162/92 of something crazy like that. I was totally sure that I wasn't going to get the epidural and I was freaking out!!
The nurses brought in the birthing table full of instruments and I looked at Justin and said something like "he's coming sooner than later! My mom and dad and your mom and dad aren't here yet!" (They did get there)
About 8:00, my hero aka the anesthesiologist strolled in and gave me some amazing drugs...they actually thought I was going to have him within the hour, so he gave me a block, which is essentially what they give c-section patients. It worked instantly!! I'm talking instant!! blood pressure dropped to 90/40 and I kinda freaked out....I did that with Molly too. contractions stopped altogether! But I was no longer in pain and was able to chat with my family and nurses and doctor....carefree....until about 9:30
And the contractions started again....full force!! The nurse came in and basically said, we can wait till the epidural is in and working OR we can push this baby out and get him here...I said, push!
As I was pushing, the doc came in and gave him the I did have it and it kicked in right about the time Nathan was was glorious timing.
I pushed for about 15 minutes (I think) and around 10:10 (2 minutes before CNN called the election), Nathan Marshall Floyd was of the neatest things ever was that I got to actually pull his bottom half out. It was fast and furious but I am so happy to have him here!
We went home on Thursday evening and we are doing great! He is a good sleeper (about 3 hours at a time) and a great eater (about 2 oz per feeding).
Molly is adjusting great (i think) and we are settling in as a family of 4.
Now for pictures.....
39 weeks
At the doc appt....we waited for a while and got kinda bored
Nathan Marshall....7 lbs, 8 oz and 20 1/4 inches long
after his first bath
First father/son chat
Fist family of 4 photo
Going home
Big sister Molly and baby Nathan
God Bless!
Congratulations again! He's precious! Fun to see you today, you look fabulous!
Congratulations!! & wow what a head of hair Molly has! I haven't seen pics in a while!
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