What Molly's been up to this month:
- Wearing 12 -18 / 18 month clothes. She's wearing some 12 month stuff too!
- Drinking 1 8 oz. bottle of formula per day (at night before bed)...we're trying to cut that out too.
- Eating oatmeal for breakfast most mornings (with yogurt or applesauce mixed in)
- Started eating "snacky" type food: carrot and apple bites, crackers, cookies (still no puffs though)
- Eats 2 baby food containers for lunch and dinner. The happy baby containers though are 4.5 oz each...So she eats about 8 oz of food for those meals.
- Drinks anywhere from 4 - 10 oz of whole milk per day
- Walking a couple of steps at a time
- Crusing along EVERYTHING!!!!
- Started satcking blocks on top of one another
- Sleeps 11-12 hours per night (8pm - 6:00am most nights)
- Still sucking on the binkie but we're cutting it out too
- Taking one nap at school per day (12 - 3ish)
- Says words like "mama" "dada" "byebye" "nana" "caca" (cat) "ba" (ball)
- Signs "More"
- Pushes EVERYTHING around - including chairs, bar stools, toys
- Weighs 21.7 lbs (50%) and is 29 3/4 inches long (75%)
God Bless!