
Nathan Marshall Floyd - Nov. 6th, 2012

Last week was an eventful week....I wanted to get this down somewhere so that I have so record of it. Tuesday, Nov. 6th, was election day and besides that, any other Tuesday. Justin and I got up early to take Molly to school and go vote because I had an appointment at 3:00 and we thought it might be busy in the afternoon at the polling places. The kids were out of school but the teachers still had PD and so I sat through some PD sessions and learned some stuff about technology...all the while, not feeling very good that whole day. My appt was at 3:00 om but I didn't actually see the doctor until closer to 4....long story....but she checked me and I was 3 cm and 90% effaced.  I was actually pretty excited b/c I knew the effacement meant more than the dilation.  She also "stripped my membranes" which I wasn't exactly sure what that meant, I just knew that it COULD bring on labor. We got out of the appt and I took Justin back to the office and chatted with my dad (who was supposed to leave town the next morning at 4:00am) until about 5:00 and then went to pick up Molly at school.  We got home around 5:30, I turned on Dora and sat on the couch to watch the news....and BOOM!  started having REALLY painful contractions.

The contractions were about 4:30 minutes apart.  I called my mom and put her "on alert" and then called Justin (who wasn't home yet....5:45) and told him that he probably needed to head this way.  Around 6:00, I called mom again and told her to come on over to watch Molly.  We were going to head to the hospital and see "what was up".  Justin got home and we ate (I know, looking back, probably should have just headed out) and hot to the hospital around 6:50.

The triage nurse checked me (6 cm and 100%) and my contractions (which were 2:30 minutes apart now) and got started on my paper work.  They asked if I had my epidural interview done and then really started rushing around.  My contractions were totally out of control painful....nuts I'm telling you!!

I got back to the labor and delivery room around 7:30 and wasn't totally not handling ANYTHING well. My blood pressure was 162/92 of something crazy like that.  I was totally sure that I wasn't going to get the epidural and I was freaking out!!

The nurses brought in the birthing table full of instruments and I looked at Justin and said something like "he's coming sooner than later!  My mom and dad and your mom and dad aren't here yet!" (They did get there)

About 8:00, my hero aka the anesthesiologist strolled in and gave me some amazing drugs...they actually thought I was going to have him within the hour, so he gave me a block, which is essentially what they give c-section patients.  It worked instantly!!  I'm talking instant!!  BUT...my blood pressure dropped to 90/40 and I kinda freaked out....I did that with Molly too. AND....my contractions stopped altogether! But I was no longer in pain and was able to chat with my family and nurses and doctor....carefree....until about 9:30

And the contractions started again....full force!!  The nurse came in and basically said, we can wait till the epidural is in and working OR we can push this baby out and get him here...I said, push!

As I was pushing, the doc came in and gave him the epidural...so I did have it and it kicked in right about the time Nathan was crowning...it was glorious timing.

I pushed for about 15 minutes (I think) and around 10:10 (2 minutes before CNN called the election), Nathan Marshall Floyd was born....one of the neatest things ever was that I got to actually pull his bottom half out.   It was fast and furious but I am so happy to have him here!

We went home on Thursday evening and we are doing great!  He is a good sleeper (about 3 hours at a time) and a great eater (about 2 oz per feeding).

Molly is adjusting great (i think) and we are settling in as a family of 4.

Now for pictures.....

39 weeks

At the doc appt....we waited for a while and got kinda bored

Nathan Marshall....7 lbs, 8 oz and 20 1/4 inches long

after his first bath

First father/son chat

Fist family of 4 photo

Going home

Big sister Molly and baby Nathan

God Bless!


Chicken and Dumplings Recipe

I posted on my Facebook page that I had made C&D in the crock pot and there were quite a few folks who asked for the recipe:

Here goes...

4-6 chicken breasts (frozen)
2 tablespoons of butter
2 cans cream of chicken soup
2 cans chicken broth
1 diced onion
1 tablespoon dried parsley

Combine above ingrediants in large crock pot and cook on high for 4 -6 hours.  Shread chicken with forks and add back to broth mixture right before adding the biscuits. 

1 can Grands (original) biscuits

Cut biscuits into pieces (whatever size dumplings you want) and add to mixture 30 minutes before serving. 

Love this recipe!  Hope you all do too!

God Bless!


Updated School projects

In mid-June, I started worlking on my "to-do" list for school.  See that post here.  So far, I've worked mainly on crafty projects but I'm getting down to the nitty-gritty and need to start working on big things.  Here's a updated version of that list...

There are some things crossed off the list!  Whoo Whoo!

I've spent the last couple of morning working in my classroom.  I feel like I have soooooooo much more to do and I'm going outta town next week for a 1:1 conference.

Here's some pics of projects in my classroom. 

Turn in Table: I changed this from trays to drawers.  I like this idea a lot more.  The bucket is for highlighers.  I will be throwing all "NO NAME" papers away this year.  I have a stack of about 100 papers as an example of why my old policy didn't work!

Pen and Pencils containers: I need to get pencils still but you can get the idea. The drawers below are for extra paper, notecards, and other supplies like scissors, and glue.

I totally redid my board and I love it.  The words "agenda" and "assignments" are hot glued to the vinal tape. I think it looks neat and tidy.  The students will look here everyday.

Completion of this project... I finally found some magnets that are strong enough.  I still used a suction cup for the remotes holder b/c it's stronger. 

We are required to post objectives for every class.  This is the other side of the board. Along with the date and time.

 A look at the board area.

This is on the bulletin board as the students walk through the door.  The different class holders will hold agends and objectives for the week!

It's slowly coming together.  I am glad to have time to do all this.  My husband is amazing. 

God Bless!


23.5 Weeks

I've been so super busy this past couple of weeks, I haven't much thought about posting to the blog. 

We went to Disney World at the end of June....and I promise to post about the trip later.  There's 250,000 pictures to go through so I'm trying to figure out how to deal with those first.

Last week was dedicated to 7th grade girls' basketball so there is that.  Yes, basketball has already started, although, I don't have to do anything else until after school starts in Septemeber.

Now, to the task at hand....baby #2's pregnancy.  I told a friend today that if this had been my first pregnancy, Justin and I would only have 1 child.  Please understand, I'm not complaining.  I understand that there are those that would take a bad pregnancy over no pregnancy at all.  I'm blessed beyond belief, but I'm being very honest.  It's my blog, for goodness sakes.....this pregnancy has been hell.  I know it could be worse, oh so much worse, so I'm not complaining....I'm explaining.

I'm blaming the testosterone that the little man is producing....but along with the constant headaches, cramps, hip and back aches, acne worse than a teenager, and lack of appetite, I'm so super emotional!  I mean, like, constantly in a state of wanting to cry or yell at someone.  I'm typically a pretty postitive person, (I know that some who know me and are reading this would totally disagree) but I'm struggling.  I'm not talking about depression but sometimes I wonder.  I know that Justin is concerned and I've got it under control but it's going to be a long 3.5 months if it continues like it is now.  (And I fully expect it to)  Add onto all of that lots of other things going on with my work and I am one stressed momma. B

But like I said earlier, I'm so super blessed!  I wouldn't give up anything actually.  This little boy is going to be great and I can't wait to meet him....although, he needs to keep cooking for a while longer! 

Now, a picture: this is the 23 week bump.

And a survey:

How far along? 23.5 Weeks

•Total weight gain: 15 lbs. (as of a week ago tomorrow)
•Maternity clothes? Oh of course. I tried to hold out as long as possible but before we went to Disney, I broke down and bought a few pairs of shorts.  I got all my maternity clothes from the last time down from the attic and washed and hung up this past weekend, so I'm so ready for the fall and for work. 

•Stretch marks? I think I have one little one on the right side of my belly. I'm still taking precautions this time though, in that I'm using some strong lotion 400 times a day.

•Sleep: Awful....hips hurt, and I have to pee about 5 times a night.

•Best moment this week: We got to hear the heartbeat last week again and that's always a great thing. 
•Miss Anything? Don't judge me...beer. Yea, I miss beer. And am actually craving it. Oh, and SUSHI!!!

•Movement: Quite a bit.  I'm starting to see him move sometimes.
•Food cravings: Ice cream, although I'm trying to keep that at bay.  I have indulged a couple of times, but not as much as with Molly.  I'm trying to eat healthier. And I do love a mean turkey sandwich. I could eat one every meal if others would agree to it. (hint, hint)
•Food aversions: Not really.  Greasy food doesn't sound all that great. 

•Gender: BOY!

•Labor Signs: I don't think so....I'm stretching and pulling so much that it's sometimes nerve-racking though.
•Symptoms: See list above. :)
•Belly Button in or out? Pretty flat

•Wedding rings on or off? On.

Oh, and in other baby news: we bought little man's nursery furniture last week and BRU called and said it was in.  We don't have his room painted yet, but will be completing this task this weekend and getting the furniture in.  I also decided on a color scheme....it's a bit different than planned originally. 

Madras Blackout Panel, 44x84", Blue

These curtains are from Pottery Barn kids and are serving as the inspiration for the nursery. I think we are going to paint the room a light tan/brown or maybe a grey. I'm hoping it goes well with the curtains. Agree? I have yet to buy anything yet but once the bank account evens out a little, I fully intend to.  I'm still trying to stick with animals like elephants, giraffs and lions too.  I was able to get this gem half off at a local store!!!  I was EXCITED!!

We also got Molly's bedding in this past week too....although, we are still waiting on her bed rails and dresser hutch to come in.  We ordered it 6 weeks ago!! 

 I'm planning to use the quilt as inspiration in her room: painting the room a light yellow and these ruffled pink curtains (also from PBK) with accents of dark lime green, hot pink and red. 

Ruffle Blackout Panel 44 x 84" Pink

I've also been working at getting some other home projects done this summer too.  Once those get finished, I will update the home tour pictures.

Hope your summer is going well and that you are staying cool.  It's hot here in SW MO with no end in sight.  Pray for rain to refresh us. 

God Bless...


Nursery Help! Poll!

So, through talking to a friend I work with, I have a little nursery dillemia....HELP! 

At first, I thought I wanted to do the little boy's nursery in the brown, aqua, and orange color scheme....see here.... it all really centered around this thing....

Pinned Image

I love this hamper!!!   I found it on Pinterest and comes from this online store

But, after talking with Lexy, I may have changed my mind. 

Now, I'm thinking about a yellow, black and grey color scheme....centered around this....

Pinned Image

I know....funny....but the basic idea is the same....

Safari theme with elephants and other animals...like tigers....and whta I love about the 2nd scheme is that I could still do aqua and orange accents...just a few.  The 2nd idea seems so much manly to me...but I'm not sure.  It would go better with darker furniture which I like. 

HELP!  Vote on your favorite. 

Which color scheme do you like better for the nursery?
Aqua, Orange and Brown
Yellow, Black, and Grey
Create your own poll
Thanks! Sara


Pinterest School Projects - Part 1

This is summer I wanted to tackle some organization issues that I have in my classroom.  I'm going to be teaching 3 different classes (one new class that I'm in charge of writing curriculum for), plus I'm going to be gone on maternity leave for 6 weeks, plus I'm coaching basketball....yes, I'm a little stressed.  But, after fighting Molly for a nap today (she did finally go to sleep in my bed), I decided I would complete a couple of easy projects that were on my list. 


My students have an AWFUL time remembering to put their names on their homework papers...even tests.  So, this white bucket will be home to the solution....highlighters.  The buckets will sit on top of the turn-in drawers.  The students will be required to highlight their names.  If they don't, the papers get trashed.  For the past five years, I've kept a "no name" board...pain in my booty. 

Bucket: target Dollar Bin (99 cents actually)
Printable: Pinterest Blog (Yes, I understand it's a kindergarten thing but their is ZERO reason that freshman can't use the idea too)

I'm not really sure how this will work but I'm hoping to alleviate problems with pencil sharpening during class but using this system.  It's pretty self-explainitory.  Sharpened pencils goes in the red container, blue pencils goes in the blue container.  Containers are also from Target's summer collection and used to hold straws.  (the straws are now living in a kitchen drawer so Molly can play with them) :)

Printables: Pinterest blog

In all reality, I see myself making the blue container a Pen holder instead....I don't get the loaned writing utensils back a lot of the time.

Also on my list of things to do this summer:
1. Pinned Image
I'm always losing my remotes ( I have 4 to keep track of) and markers for my white board. I think I'll probably end up doing about 3 of these.  I haven't been able to find containers yet. 

2. Pinned Image
I love this idea. 

3. Pinned Image
Objective board..I'm envisioning something like this but obviously not this exact thing. 

4. Pinned Image
Teacher Binder - b/c I'm teaching three classes and I want to reorganize my classroom a little bit this year...(Hey, after five years, I think I should step back and evaluate), I'm going to try this and see how it works.  For the past five years, I've bought my own grade book/planner from the local teaching store.  This year, I'm going to try and crete my own.  We'll see.....it's going to require me to print a lot of things off, hole punch and then organize. 

Turn in drawers....currently I have trays, which are really fine but I like the look of the drawer better.  I'm going to buy two three-drawer containers.  One stack will be for my A day classes, and the other for my B day students (we are on block scheduling) Each class (I have 6 all together) will have their own drawer.  It will keep me on the ball of grading homework and keep everything a little bit more organized. 

A high school version of a "word wall"...we are going to key term quizzes and tests throughout the year in our freshman history classes.  You know, words that kids should understand, but that aren't taught a lot of the times in the lower grades...Ex: suffrage: definition is NOT "the act of making people suffer." but instead is "the right to vote"...think about that first definition when I say that the women's suffrage movement unit is something funny in my classroom a lot of times. So, I'm going to create a word wall and cover it with key terms and definitions. 

Add to this list, write a new class curriculum, review the other two classes, write 3 classes worth of sub plans, convert all my power points to Slide Rocket (so they can be on the "cloud),  re-do my class's website, etc, etc. etc.  Yea, once we get back from Disney World (we leave a week from tomorrow), my summer is OVER!

Oh well...but hey...teachers get three months off right? 

God Bless!



We are team.....

BLUE!!!! We found out Tuesday that we will welcome a baby boy into the Floyd family!!  We are super excited and cannot wait to meet Mr. Floyd...

Now the real plannig begins!!!

God Bless!



Home Tour: Bathrooms

Today's post is all about the home of the throne: the bathroom...We have 3 1/2 baths in our new home.  That's a lot of cleaning to do but it's actually ok.  Justin does a great job of maintaining them!  :)  (I don't do toilets)

This is our master bath.  It is right off of our bedroom so of course, that's nice.  This is our shower.  It was a selling point of the house.  It's a bit hard to get or keep clean but I'm pinning some ideas on pinterest on how to really clean the grout. 

It's got a nice seat and two sprayers.  The one of the right is more of a spa style one.  We don't use it very much but it's nice to have. 

One of the things that we gave up for the house is double sinks and you know, it's not a huge deal.  I haven't been spit on yet so I think we will make it with just one.

 I'm going to have the mirror in the master and the 1/2 baths framed like this one. 

This is Miss Molly's and baby #2's bathroom.  It's the bath at the very end of the hall (right outside the master bedroom door).  We didn't paint the walls, but I love the color and think I'm going to leave it.  

If this second baby is a boy, this bath is probably going to have to be a little more gender neutral come 10 years from now but hey, I'll deal with that when it comes. Love the mirror.  It came with the house and it totally fits in the bath.

This is where I store most of Molly's bows and things.  The smaller one is for ponytail holders and clips and the right one is for bigger bows and flowers. I actually came up with this idea all on my own...no pinterest needed. :)

Bathroom #3...The guest bath/newest...I'm making this one into the Razorback room.  I still need to get a flag for the shower curtain, a stoll cover and a couple of more decor items but I like how's it's come along since we moved in.  It's a smallish bathroom with very little vantity space (see below) but it's probably the most used bathroom b/c it's right off the den (with the tv)

The sink is a little more modern than we are but for something that I didn't pick out, it's okay. 

 Some razorback decor.  WOO PIG SOOIE!

This is the 1/2 bath and the least used of the baths.  It's in the laundry room, right off the garage so it acts as the "mudroom".  

I would love to redo this cabinet and we might some day...
Tomorrow is the last day of the tour and will play host to all the rooms that are left, the kitchen, dining and porch.  Hope you are enjoying your day!

God bless, Sara
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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