
New Hair

Since this , or this , or this , is how I'm currently wearing my hair...b/c I hate the cut. I need some new hair for the Christmas season and the new year...here's what I'm thinking...Jennifer Nettles short style... sooo cute!!!

But with a twist...how about instead of blond...go dark!! Like Mandy Moore...

Or here...no idea who this girl is though....

What do you think? I need to make an appt. so it's not going to be too soon...LOL!

Challenge Day 8: A photo that makes you angry/sad

Really, let's be honest... doesn't that hair make you sad too?

God Bless!


Challenge Day 7: A picture that makes your heart melt

Here you go!!! Did anyone really think it wouldn't be of my sweet baby girl?
Why this one? The lighting is terrible, you can't hardly see her...but this is the very first picture taken of Molly...literally minutes after she was born. I love it. Justin took it on my Iphone and it really does melt my heart!
God Bless!


The first Thanksgiving

We spent Thursday in Springdale at my aunt Brenda and Uncle Jack's house. It was a lot of fun...we ate some great food, played Apples to Appples....and while it took Molly a while to actually get down for a nap, when she finally did, it was for a good 2 hours!! Whoo Whoo!!

Here's some pics from her first Thanksgiving!

Thursday night, Justin and Molly came on home, while mom and I stayed at Downstream Casino and Resort. The plan was to get up on Friday morning and do some Black Friday Christmas Shopping in Joplin...that didn't quite go as planned. We both came down with some kind of stomach bug and ended up throwing up all night. We made it home on Friday and both crahsed. A wasted day on vacation and NO Christmas shopping done...great!!

Yesterday, (Saturday), we celebrated with Justin's family... yummy, yummy, yummy...homemade cashew chicken and pie!!!
We went decked out in our RAZORBACK attire...b/c it was their last game and it all about beating LS...WHO? WHOO WHOO!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PIG SOOIE!!!!! Pour some sugar on me baby!!!!
And then last ngiht, we celebrated Justin's cousin Jerod's wedding reception...too bad Molly nor I felt very good! We came home about 8...

I hope everyone had a great one! God Bless!

Challenge Day 6: 20 of your favorite things

These are, of course, in no particular order!

1. The Razorback...WPS!!!
2. My husband, Justin
3. My daughter, Molly
4. Vanilla Bean ice cream
5. Target
6. MY CAR...Maverick
8. New jeans
9. Sundays
10. Sales at Dillard's
11.My little brother, Sam
12. Cosmo Magazine
13. Gossip Girl
14. 80 degree days in Febuary
15. My famil
16. Clean laundry
17. My iphone
18. The Power and Light District in KC
19. Rain on the roof at night

God Bless!

Challenge Day 5: Your favorite quote

Oh this is an EASY - PEEZY one!

If you went to college with me you should know this one already....

How many have you have ever seen the movie "Sleepers"?

It's this creepy movie with Kevin Bacon (of course), Brad Pitt, and maybe Robert DeNiro. It's about child molestation in a boy's juvie prision in NYC (I think)...I've not seen it in forever...but the very last line of the whole movie is...

"The future lies sparkling ahead... and we thought we'd know each other forever."
It's amazing that at the time, I thought it was just a quote about the movie...but I look back on it now and we should've known it was true for us too. I had some great friends in college...but you grown up and move on!
God Bless!

Challenge Day 4: Your favorite book

Well, this one is kinda difficult b/c I'm not really sure...so instead I'll make a list of books that I LOVE and maybe you will love them too!

1. The Notebook
2. The Harry Potter Series (reading this now!! For the first time!!! L-O-V-E it!)
3. The Twilight Series (more b/c I'm a teeny bopper wannabe)
4. Band of Brothers
5. The Gossip Girl Series

I'm sure there are more but I'm drawing a blank right now b/c I'm STUCK on Harry Potter!!!

God Bless!

Challenge Day 3 : Your Favorite teacher

In high school, my favorite teacher was not the teacher who taught me my favorite subject. She was not the teacher who allowed me to get away with the most. (although I probably tried) Angie Stewart was my advisory teacher (life study hall)...but she also acted as my supervising teacher when I student taught (at my old high school). Now that I am teaching there too, she's been kinda like my mentor teacher too! She's a great teacher! She keeps the kids interested in what's going on in class! She's got some great stories to tell and she's just an all around great gal!!!

Thanks Angie!!!

Challenge Day 2 : Your Definition of Success

My definition of success is rather easy. It's not money (although, I think that if you have money, you've probably been, or someone close to you has been, successful in SOMETHING).

In my personal life, I think for ME to be successful I need to live and love my life for me and my family. If I raise my children and love my husband with all the love I have to give, I've been successful. When I die, if I'm able to say, " Nice job Sara!", I've been successful.

If I've touched just one life of a child through my teaching...then I've been successful in my job. Teaching is a joy (most of the time)... :)

God Bless!


Blog Challenge Day 1 - Your biggest Accomplishment

Today's entry is about my biggest accomplishment..which is fairly simple for me...................

MOLLY ABIGAIL FLOYD...born on Feb. 16, 2010.

The whole pregnancy was an accomplishment. From start to finish...

I look back on it..I can't believe that I had a baby!!! I pretty much think I can do anything now. I mean, I pushed a baby out. That's epic!!

Here's some pics!

Tomorrow: My Definition of Success...
God Bless!

30 day blog challenge...

Here's goes...I'm really going to try and get this thing accomplished. I'm participating in one that is hosting by the Erickson's.

Here goes....this is what I'll be posting on for the next month.

Day 1 - your biggest accomplishment
Day 2 - your definition of success
Day 3 - Your favorite teacher
Day 4 - your favorite book
Day 5 - your favorite quote
Day 6 - 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 - a photo that makes your heart melt
Day 8 - a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 - a photo you took
Day 10 - a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 - a photo of you recently
Day 12 - something you are OCD about
Day 13 - a fictional book
Day 14 - a non-fictional book
Day 15 - your role model
Day 16 - a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 - an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 - my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 - a talent of yours
Day 20 - a hobby of yours
Day 21 - a recipe
Day 22 - a website
Day 23 - a youtube video
Day 24 - where I live- in detail, what makes it special?
Day 25 - guilty pleasure
Day 26 - your week, in great detail
Day 27 - my worst habit
Day 28 - whats in my handbag/purse
Day 29 - hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 - car you drive ( and past cars too!)

God Bless!!!


9 Months!!

I can't believe that in just 3 SHORT months, we will have a 1 year old! Molly has been a VERY busy girl this month!

- She's started standing and cruising around the coffee table, ottoman, cabinets.
- She's wearing manily 12 months clothing.
- She's still wearing size 3 diapers...but they are getting snug.
- She's weighing about 21(?) lbs. and I'm guessing about 29 inches long....she's going to be tall...I hope!
- She's eating 4 bottles a day - mainly 7 oz. each - but 8 oz. at night.
- She's eating 3 baby food meals per day....mainly still stage 2 (sitter foods) but we've started the stage 3...crawler food
- She's sleeping about 10 hours per night...this is normal for her. 5:30 am comes and she's a awake...**I need to remember to take that alarm clock out of her room** - KIDDING!!!

Now for the pics...she's kind of a terd these days...so we didn't get very many.

God Bless!


New Page on the blog!

Check it out! I've updated the other pages of the ole' bloggolla...

PLUS....I've added a recipe page...I will be posting some of my favorite recipes.

I'm also going to try and start posting a new recipe ever Sunday...be sure to check back!



My little Cutie!!

I thought I would include a post about this little cute outfit...

My mom (Nana) got this for Miss Molly at a cute little store in southwest MO called Belly Buttons... she wore it to church two weeks ago and I thought she looked so cute...I had to post about it! I love the little ruffles at the bottom of the shirt!

Total randomness but CUTE!!!

Happy Halloween!

We celebrated Halloween at Trunk or Treat at our church. Molly was not interested in what everyone else looked like b/c she knew that she was too cute to handle.

My little COW!!

Hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend...and got lots of good candy and treats!

8 months old...three weeks ago...

I wanted to go ahead and get these pics in the blog before I have to upload Miss Molly's 9 month pics.

I'll do better next month!
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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