
An Update.....

So much has gone in the last year.  I gave up the blog last summer, because of our VERY busy schedule....well, it's about the get a whole hell of lot busier. 

WE ARE HAVING BABY #2....due November 12, 2012!!!

Yup, folks, you read that right.  Molly is going to be a big sister!

I'm about 14 1/2 weeks along now.  We've known since about March 9th.  To be totally honest, I'm still a little bit in shock.  I can't explain my feelings.  I'm dealing but it's been a little harder this time around.  I was sick the entire first trimester.  Add onto that all the stress that will come with having 2 (1 being a VERY active and independent toddler), schools stress, and basketball stress, and I'm a little....well, stressed!  PLUS, the day I found out (peed on the stick...actually 2 sticks), I had weighed myself and discovered that I weighed a least amount I had ever weighed (since like 8th grade)...I was pretty pumped....but alas, I will get back there.  (Yea, like in 3 years) Don't judge...I'm doing that enough for myself.

I totally think it's going to be a boy.  But we will find out in June.  I haven't taken any "bump" pics but will totally start on week 15. I'm bigger this time (obviously)

In other news: Justin and I moved in August.  I will try to do a post later about our new house.  Still changing some things but I'm so glad to call it home. 

We have a BIG, gigantic summer coming up!

1. Disney World in June!!!  Plus (maybe) Daytona and Nasa! 

2. Baskletball camps in June and July

3. 10 year high school reunion in July...yea, I'll be 5 months along...just enough to look fat!

4. I'm taking an online Blackboard class this summer....on how to teach an online blackboard class...neat huh?

5. I have to write curriculum for my new IB psychology class.  YAY!

6. North Carolina technology conference with the school at the end of July. 14 hour road trip with 14 non-preggo people...yea, I hope they know that this girl might have to stop and pee a couple of times.

7. Justin and I will celebrate our 5 year anniversary this year.  WHOO WHOO!!!!  I think we might go to...no idea...dinner and a movie? 

Our school is going through big changes this summer as well.  Most of them pretty postitive changes.  I'm a little nervous about a few but I trust that they will all work out in the end.

1. We are going 1:1.  I'm not sure if any of you know what that is, or care what that is...but if you do, let me explain. By Jan. 2012, all staff and kids at the high school will have a laptop computer to call there own.  The teachers will be getting them in August.  The point to this is, of course, to increase technology in the classroom.  For this reason alone, I'm excited. There have been coutless times this year that I wished all my kids had access to the interenet during class. (for projects, or notes, or assignments)  I think there are some things that are going to have to work themselves out but....like I said, I'm sure they will. 

2. There are some personal changed happening that I'm not entirely excited about.  Some people are leaving that I hate to see go and some people that were hired that I hope fit into our close-knit community but, again....hopefully it all works out. 

I'm trying to keep a postive attitude.

More to come later of course....but at this point, I'm back. (I think)  Hopefully, you have chosen to continue to follow me. 



Jessica said...

Wow! Congrats! Exciting things happening for you!

Kendra said...

SO nice to see you back!! Congrats on Baby #2. Im sure Moly will be a great big sister and everything work out. Xoxo

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