
5 Question Friday

I don't think I've ever particapated in this but since I'm a rol with the blogging these days...and one of my fave bloggers, Mallory, did it...I thought I would join in on the fun...check her out...so sweet...This fun little treat orignially come from My Little Life.

This week's 5 Question Friday is about Christmas. I'm trying to get myself in the Christmas mood...it's been a busy week but I'm really going to 'Christmas-fy" myself this weekend.

Here goes:

1. What's on the top of your holiday wish list and why?!
Honestly, I am asking for a lot of gift cards this year becasue of the possibly of moving. And I got what I wanted for my b-day in October which was a Kindle. I don't REALLY need anything right now. I put a Iphone 4 on my list...but the hubbie broke his screen this week so that looks like he's getting a new one. NBD...
I would also like a few new peices of luggage, and an electric skillet.
2. What is your favorite Christmas gift from the past?
A few Christmases ago, the hubbie got my a Dooney purse. That was great! Last year, we got a bunch of diapers and wipes, which are all gone now (we asked...Miss Molly asked for some more...tacky I know)
This year, Justin and I aren't getting each other anything...although his birthday is Dec. 16th, so he's actually getting something...not telling what just yet though...we are going to save that money and spend it on a new house.

3. If you had life to do over, what would you be when you grow up?
A doctor. I think if I could have gotten through all those math classes, I would have turned out to be a good doc. I loved college and thrived on the stress. I look back and some of my greatest times were while I was studying for finals or writing papers int he library.

4. When do you put up your tree?
Usually the week or weekend after Thanksgiving...not so much this year though.
We're going to work on it tomorrow after my basketball game thoguh...I'm so excited!!

5. What is your favorite Holiday?
Probably Christmas...with New Years added on too. I love this time of year. the weather turning colder...people are aloways (okay most of the time) in a great mood. The decorations are fabulous and the smells are always inviting!!
God Bless!


Mallory said...

Thanks for the sweet shout-out! BTW, I could totally play Barbies all day. In fact, if mine weren't locked up in storage and still out at my parents' house, I'd be over there playing on rainy days! :-)

My mom loves her Kindle! I think those are cool!!

Hanna said...

Hi there ! I am your newest follower ! LOVELY blog:) You can find me at www.bouffeebambini.blgospot.com Take a peek at my giveaways when you come by. I have 6 going on and everything is handmade and gorgeous:)

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