
10 months old

Molly turned 10 months old on December 16th but I'm just now getting this post done.

This month Molly has been a very busy little girl:
- Eating 2 containers of food, 3 times a day
- Eats 2-3 6 oz. bottles a day and one 8 oz bottle at night.
- Still wears size 3 diapers
- Graduated to the "big girl carseat" - We got the Graco MyRide 65...just one for my car but we are about to invest in a cheaper one for Justin's
- Sleeps 10 - 12 hours a night...most of the time
- Takes 2 hour to hour and half long naps per day.
- Plays hard
- Says words "mama", "dada", "nana" "ba" (ball), "Ca" (cat)
- Drinks from a sippy cup - all be it, not well...
- Wears mostly size 12 month clothes with a few 18 months thrown in
- Wears size 3 or 4 shoe
- Still has 8 teeth but we think she's trying to cut the back molars
- Cruises on EVERYTHING, but has yet to stand or walk on her own...and that's just fine with me.
- LOVES the outlets!
- LOVES bathtime...still!

I'm sure I'm missing something..but time for pictures!

I cannot express how much I love this little girl...she is the sunshine of my life...I'm so blessed!
God Bless!!


Mallory said...

Her haircut is so sweet!!

Unknown said...

She is getting so big! Love all of your Christmas photos too!

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