
40 weeks today!!!

So my due date has come and gone...well almost.

Justin and I went to the doc today. I've progressed 1/2 cm so Doctor Graves scheduled an induction for NEXT Friday. Meaning...Miss Molly is going to have to come on her own if she wants to sare a birthday with Poppa. (my dad...which is Feb. 16th)

Today...to keep my mind off the fact that I might be pregnant for another week, mom and I have been extra crafty. She came over and we made burp cloths, headbands, and bows. The flowers are actually glued on clips so they are inter-changeable.
Burp Cloths

Here's my LAST pregnancy survey...

*How far along?: 40 weeks

*Total weight gain?: 38 lbs. I gained 2 lbs. this past week. I currently weigh...183!!! That is just effing RIDICULOUS!!! That Wii Fit is going to get a workout after Molly makes her arrival!

*How big is baby?: around 7 lbs. (estimate), 19 inches long...really we have ZERO idea.

*Sex: GIRL

*Maternity clothes: I've come to the realization that I might not be in zip up pants for a while so these maternity clothes better last a little longer.

*Stretch marks: So...I've finally joined the stretch mark club..and let me just say...I'm not very happy about it. Ihave a couple on either side of my belly button and one LARGE one right above the belly button.

*Sleep: It's not good. My hips hurt so bad. Plus, I've been having BH contractions in the middle of the night. Molly will ball up on the side that I'm lying on and it hurts. One more week...Maybe

*Best moment this week: Reaching my EDD and being scheduled for a possible induction. That means that there is an end in sight.

*Movement: She's been moving a lot this week. Her movement has changed but she's moving.

*Food cravings: SUSHI...one more week!

*Labor signs: 1 1/2 cm dialated and 90% effaced. I thought I was in labor this week...I was having contractions about 15 minutes apart for about 5 hours...and then they just stopped.

*Belly button in or out: Still out!

*What I miss: Sleep, zipping my pants, not having to pee every 2 minutes.

*What I'm looking forward to: Meeting Molly within the next week. Hopefully she decides to come earlier than next Friday...if not...2/19/2010 it is.

I've written Miss Molly a short little letter. It's something that I've wanted to do for a couple of weeks now but I haven't gotten around to it until today. It's not exactly what I wanted to say but it's the best I could do with the pregnancy brain.

Dear Molly - As your time in my belly comes to an end, I have a flurry of emotions running through my brain. I am sad b/c I have loved carrying you and being so close to you. I am excited b/c I cannot wait to hold you in my arms and kiss and hug on you. Your daddy and I waited for 8 months to get the news that we were going to be blessed by you. I was so overwhelmed when I found out I was pregnant with you. You will learn throughout your life that I am very much a worry wart. I was so worried in those first 12 weeks, I hardly breathed. I was worried that I would lose you and that your daddy and I would never get a chance to meet you. 40 weeks later...that time has come and we are anxiously awaiting your arrival. I never knew that it was possible to love something so much. You and your daddy are the most important things in my life. My life was not complete until I met your dad and it will become that much more fulfilled after you arrive. Your mommy and daddy love you very much. Your Nana and Poppa and Uncle Sam, Mammaw and Pappaw, your Aunt Kelly and Uncle Jeremy and cousins Hannah and Claire are all very excited to meet you. Now all you have to do is come on out! We are ready!!

With Lots of Love - Mommy

Justin and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. We never have but this year Valentine's Day is kinda special to us b/c of Molly. I want to tell him that I love him very much and cannot believe that we have been married 2 1/2 years and been together for 5!!! If someone would have told me 5 years ago that we would be married with our first child on the way...I would have thought they were crazy. I cannnot believe that I found the love of my life so easily. All I had to do was work for my dad! :) I love you baby!!

The last thing that I want to do is tell you that I know that my life is blessed with angels. My parents, grandparents, my brother, and my in-laws. My life is also blessed with people whom I've never actually met. Last summer, searching around online...I found a distant cousin in Alabama. We communicated through email and discused common family. She is a very neat lady but I didn't know how angelic she was until I got this in the mail...

She made Molly a quilt. I literally cried when I opened the package. I've never had anyone do something so nice for me. There are truley angels among us!

God Bless everyone! Please continue to pray for Justin, Molly and I. I'm sure the next week will be stressful and exciting!!


1 comment:

Andi said...

So exciting. As I lay here and read your post and letter to Molly, it makes me so excited for the weeks and journey ahead. This is the second night of many to feel my baby moving inside of me. We don't know what we are having yet but cant wait. You are going to be a great mommy and yes I believe angels are among us. Good luck with the delivery. I hope everything goes smoothly. God bless!

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