
You're going places baby!!

So since I'm kinda busy right now...in life....I use the weekends to catch up with the blog world...(hence the reason I have like 14 posts in one day)...but I noticed today that one of my favorite mommy bloggers is also a fan of mine...Thank you so much Kendra...her son is totally too cute and was born just a couple of days after Molly...I'm so excited...check her out at kendramendez.blogspot.com.

She's nominated me for a couple of blog awards...I've already received the Beautiful blogger award but thanks so much for it again!!

So without further ado...

The rules are simple, you have to blog about where you want to be in 10 years and then tag 10 fabulous blogs that are worthy of the award... so let's get to it.

Where do I see myself in 10 years?...

It's kinda weird b/c if you would have asked me 10 years (or more like 5 probably) where I would be...I would have said "Teaching, starting my masters, married with a baby"...and that's where and what I'm at. So, in 10 years, I'll be 36. I would like to have at least two more kids...I would like to be a high school counselor at Ozark. I would like to be living in the "last house" that Justin and I will live in...hopefully it's the one that we have thought about long and hard and built...maybe on 10-15 acres with a pond....oh and hopefully be an aunt (to my brother's kids) It's not a lot.

I would like to tag:

1. Mrs. F @ mrsforeste.blogspot.com
2. Melissa @ melandjimmyatkinson.blogspot.com
3. Leah @ leahandross.blogspot.com
4. Ashley @ thedomesticwannabe.blogspot.com
5. Mrs. Southern Belle @ mrssouthernbelle.blogspot.com
6. Meredith @ vivalabuenavida.blogspot.com
7. Heather @ 2thornberrys.blogspot.com
There's a couple of other mommy blogs that I love...so I'm going to break the rules and mention them too!! Check them out!!

Marlo @ maemommy.blogspot.com
Carrie @ littlebabypope.blogspot.com
Alyssa @ suburban-chic.blogspot.com
Thanks Kendra!!!

Time with Daddy

So this week, Justin started his paternity leave. He's a had a full week...he and Molly have gone out to lunch with his mom and dad, he's gone shopping...and he's been really good and taken some pictures.

They have snuggled...

Had some tummy time... Rocked the leg warmers... Played on the Baby Einstein playmat...Swaddled...Laughed...cried...and rocked out the Boppy... Speaking of being swaddled...Molly has not been a big fan of it. Really though, let's be honest...who would? Then last week, I was on the Bump (my secret obsession) and some posted something about this things called the Woombie. Now, I may be behind a couple of years, but I checked out the website and thought it looked kinda weird..but b/c I LOVE to try new things (and buy things for Molly :))....I bought one...it came this week....


I'm not kidding...she slept the first night we put her in it for 6 hours straight...that's record! We could have driven a MACK truck through the living room and she would have never known!!

I think I might order another one...not only are they stretchy (so she can move more, and get her hands where she likes them, all the while keeping the startle reflex away)...but they are light weight so we can use it this summer. Plus they are comparable to other swaddle blankets. Check out the website here.

(The Woobie Company did not give me anything to say what I said...good-to-honest product review)

Okay...so you have seen a couple of pictures of Molly kickin it in some leg warmers. Now, she's only got 3 pairs (mainly b/c I've been afraid Justin would make fun of me if I got her any more) but I love them. The idea behind them is GENIUS!! Changing diapers are easy. So, why am I telling you this? Mrs. Atkinson (aka Melissa) over at The Atkinson Family's blog has a giveaway of the REAL leg warmers. BabyLegs is the true baby leg warmer brand. The ones that Molly has are from Target so I toally hope that I win this one. I've not won a giveaway yet. SO...stop reading my blog and head over to Melissa's and check it



It's Saturday!

And Justin and I are leaving this little angel for the first time since she was 2 weeks old. She is going to stay at Nana's tonight. She's excited! I'm excited! Nana's excited! Pray that it all goes well.

"I'm too cute for my own good!"
God Bless! I hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Happy Tax Day!

Thursday was tax day! I hope you got your taxes in. As the daughter of an accountant, I've come to love April 15th. It's the day that my dad breaths a BIG **sigh** of relief. Molly will come to love it too! (b/c her she LOVES her g-pa!!) Plus...now....since Justin works for my dad, I have it x2. Justin has had a pretty good tax season though...well, you know...with the birth of his daughter and all.

To celebrate the end of the 2010 tax season...my dad and mom took us to Fire and Ice for some good fun and fellowship. Molly got to wear a new outfit (courtesy of Nana)

From Gymboree
With her daddy...he's sooooo tired!

Of course...the shoe shot!
The bow was a gift from one of my kiddos.

"Happy Tax Day!!"

8 weeks old pics - from Tuesday

It was REALLY nice on Tuesday (the day Molly turned 8 weeks old) so we went outside and took some pictures! She loves being outside.

Then, we went inside (to change a poopy diaper) and played in the nursery...

My attempt to take our picture with the SLR camera.
We are trying out the BUMBO seat a little each week. She's getting TONS better!

"Mom!!! My head is just too heavy!"

2 months old!!

"It's my 2 month birthday!!"

I can't believe my little girl is two months old.

As of today, Molly...
- is smiling quite a bit. She can smile at us. Nana even had her laughing (well cooing really loud)
- is eating about 4 oz. every 3 hours. (Except at night, she can go about 5)
- is only getting up once a night...around 2ish.
- has grown to Size 1 diapers...fully. Newborns are just too small.
- is mainly wearing 0-3 months clothes...although she can still wear some newborn stuff.
- can turn and look at Justin and I when we are having a convo. (from one to the other)
- still loves taking baths.
- can "reach up" and "play" with the toys on the car seat.
- has begun to like her playmat.
- naps in her crib during the day.
Molly - Daddy and I love you very much! Happy 2 month birthday!


What a beautiful weekend!!

"Playing" in her swing..she's not a big fan of the swing!
This has been a great weekend. We are having beautiful weather and it's given us a chance to go for walks, go to the park, and take some pictures.
Friday night, after we got home from Nana's house... (her outfit below is on backwards...courtsey of Nana...)
We decided to play dress up while she was happy... her outfit below consists of a onesie from Wally World (I'm trying to get her to wear the all the newborn stuff while she still can), and leg warmers from Target...Justin thought they were silly...he kept saying, "I'm sorry your momma's crazy, Molly." Then I put on her "flip flops" that Nana got for her at JCP. They are too cute. I'm so excited that it's going to be warm this week...she can wear them instead of her tennies.

Saturday - Justin worked his last Saturday of tax season...YEAH!!! Molly and I went out to Nana's and helped her clean her house a little bit. We went for a walk around the neighborhood.

Our walk was really rough on Molly...she acutally took a brief nap.

Later Staturday night, I finally caught up on my baby book reading and Justin playing with the camera (I'm starting the 12 weeks to better photography...posts to come later).

Since we woke up late this morning, we didn't make it to early service and decided to not go to late service. I know...we are bad people...hopefully God will forgive us and still watch over us this week... :) The reason I think he will is b/c we spent the day as a family. We cleaned a bit this morning...we did some laundry...Molly took a good nap (45 minutes or so) and then we went to the park...It was Molly's first trip to the park and I think she liked it. She LOVES...I mean, LOVES...being outside. Mamaw and Papaw even met us there. (After their trip to Lowe's)

I was excited b/c she got to (finally) wear a summer outift. I took her shoes and socks off and she just kicked her little feet while we walked.

Here's come all the pictures...trust...there's a lot... She and I even went down the slide...TWICE!!! It was fun! She got a kick out of it.
With Mamaw...right before she started screaming bloody murder...everyone in the park turned to look...it was neat!

When we got home (and after Molly had eaten...she was STARVING), we went back outside and took some more pictures (to play with the flash)...

With Mommy
With Daddy
Daddy took this picture...I really wish she had been looking....
Hope everyone has a great week!!! Make sure you get your taxes filed by Thursday!!! Yeah!!! Tax season ends Thursday!!!
God Bless everyone...


Happy Easter!! Lots of pics!!

Saturday before Easter Sunday, we were busy with birthday parties...Aunt Kelly turned 31 and cousin Jackson turned the big 3!! Molly's daddy did NOT love the hat I put on her but I informed him that he didn't have much choice.
I made the flower but bought the hat
I love her bib...we got a set of cute bibs with cute sayings at Macy's on Good Friday
I ordered these off Etsy...they are a little big still but it won't be long.
"Come on people...I'm already tired of pictures!"
What the heck is this thing on my head?!

Molly's Easter outfit. I kinda let the ball drop on this first holiday...I didn't get her an Easter basket (although both mamaw and nana covered it)...And I didn't get any pictures with her and the two of us.

The shoes were cutest part of her outfit!
Molly's bloomers
"Mom!! My head is too heavy!"

"I'm done!!!"
Sunday afternoon, Justin and I took her for a walk to calm her down...long story for another post!
Hope everyone had a great Easter and remembered to thank God for sending his son to die on the cross for our sins...
God Bless!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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