Updated pregnancy survey
Total weight gain? 25+ lbs.
Maternity Clothes? All the time... some of the early ones are getting to small.
Stretch Marks? Hoping and praying for "none" to continue. Hoping good genes keep strong.
Sleep? Limited and not good. I have to turn over every fews hours. I can sleep through the night but I have to get up and pee once or twice.
Best moment this week? Beating Republic by 21 last night wasn't bad. :) I love it when Molly gets the hiccups. That's a pretty good time too!
Movement? All the time. She LOVES orange juice. That really gets her going.
Food Cravings? everything I can get my hands on...apples and bananas
Labor Signs? Braxton Hicks are kicking in. The ute is preparing big time!!
What I miss? Being able to button and ZIP my pants and tuck in my shirt!
What I'm looking forward to? Celebrating Justin's birthday tonight... Hopefully beating Nixa on Friday night for the COC championship... the end of the 1st semester next Wednesday.... Christmas next Friday!!!
Throw me to the tiger...at last...an update!

I don't have the 31 week picture uploaded yet...but maybe in another month...Kidding!!
I love it when:
1. Molly kicks and twirls and punches!
2. When Molly has the hiccups...I know that sounds cruel but it's the most fascinating thing.
I do have one complaint...my back is killing me!! It's uncomfortable to stand, sit or lay down. I've sit on a heating pad...it's helping some. 8 1/2 weeks is going to be a long time.
More to come!
27.5 weeks!!
1. I had my first shower a couple of weeks ago! I had so much fun! We made scrapbook pages! They turned out so well! Justin, Molly and I got a lot of great stuff! Molly got a lot of great clothes! She's never going to have to go naked...the poor girl! So many clothes!
2. I passed my gestational diabetes test last week!! YAH!!!! The stuff I had to drink wasn't too bad, it just made me sick and very tired.
3. On Friday, I will be at 28 weeks. Officially in the 3rd trimester!! 12 weeks left!! That's just nuts!! I'm excited and getting a little nervous!
Below is the last two weeks worth of pics...

I thought I'd also update the baby survey while I was on as well!
How far along?: 27.5 Weeks
How big is baby?:
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
You're in the home stretch! The third and final trimester starts this week. If you're like most women, you'll gain about 11 pounds this trimester. At this point, you'll likely visit your doctor or midwife every two weeks. Then, at 36 weeks, you'll switch to weekly visits. Depending on your risk factors, your practitioner may recommend repeating blood tests for HIV and syphilis now, as well as doing cultures for chlamydia and gonorrhea, to be certain of your status before delivery. Also, if your glucose screening test result was high and you haven't yet had follow-up testing, you'll soon be given the 3-hour glucose tolerance test. And if the blood work done at your first prenatal visit showed that you're Rh negative, you'll get an injection of Rh immunoglobulin to prevent your body from developing antibodies that could attack your baby's blood. (If your baby is Rh positive, you'll receive another shot of Rh immunoglobulin after you give birth.)
Around this time, some women feel an unpleasant "creepy-crawly" sensation in their lower legs and an irresistible urge to move them while trying to relax or sleep. If this sensation is at least temporarily relieved when you move, you may have what's known as restless legs syndrome (RLS). No one knows for sure what causes RLS, but it's relatively common among expectant mothers. Try stretching or massaging your legs, and cut down on caffeine, which can make the symptoms worse. Ask your caregiver if you should try iron supplements, which can sometimes relieve RLS.
Total weight gain?: Last week, at my appointment, I was weighing in at 165. That means I've gained 20 pounds!!
Maternity clothes?: Yes...about to have to go to all clothes. As expected, basketball season has become rather funny. I wear my jeans through practice and a t-shirt. Most of my t-shirts though, are not fitting anymore!
Stretch marks?: No... I'm lucky so far!
Sleep?: Still haven't bught the Snoogle, but don't think I'm going to until absolutley necessary. I have what equals two body pillows on either side of me.
Best moment this week?: Passing my GD test and winning our basketball game on Friday.
Movement?: Everyday. She's very active in the morning and at night. They are starting to sting a little bit. She's getting stronger!! I love being able to feel her!
Food cravings?: Fried pickles! I still haven't eaten any though!
Labor signs?: No!!!!!
Belly button in or out?: The bottom half is out!!
What I miss?: Playing basketball with the team. AND...my hips and groin area not hurting!
What I'm looking forward to?: Thanksgiving...next Thursday!
Time for reflection and random thoughts!
25 weeks!! Update on the pregnancy!

Your baby is starting to put on just a little meat, and will continue filling out as your pregnancy progresses.
Total weight gain?: At last weigh in, I was at 159. That puts me gaining 14 pounds so far. The nurse thought that was okay so I'm not worried. I'm trying to get more protein in my diet.
Belly button in or out?: The left side is peeking it's little head out a little bit!
What I'm looking forward to?: My shower in a couple of weeks. Danielle and kelly are going to throw a great one!! I can't wait!
25 weeks...tomorrow! AND...a nursery update!

Yesterday was my birthday!!! I turned 26!! I can't believe that I'm 26 and about to have a baby! CRAZINESS!! To celebrate the day of my birthday, I went a got both flu shots!! That was exciting! My mom brought me Tea Room for lunch (including some cheese cake) and Justin took me to Jimmy Johns for dinner. We had plans to go to Bijan's downtown but my stomach has really been acting up this week. I didn't want to go to a fancy, shmancy place to eat and end up throwing it up. SO.....we are going tomorrow night! I think Danielle and Kelly are taking me out tonight so we'll see if I feel like eating anything. Right now (11:15), it ain't so good!
24 weeks tomorrow!!!

Short post today guys!! More to come tomorrow!! Hopefully, we will get the tree decal in today or tomorrow and we can get the nursery fixed right up!!
Peace and God Bless!!
23 Week post!
How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain: 14 pounds
Stretch Marks? Not yet...maybe I'll be lucky and won't get any! HA!
Maternity clothes? All of my pants...although I did buy some Nike sweat pants that are to die for comfortable. Large, of course
Sleep: Not really...last night I had a double leg cramp!! A double cramp! BOTH LEGS!! It hurt like hell!
Best moment this week: The DH painted the nursery and I got the decorations finished. AND...we finally picked out a name! Molly Abigail
Movement: Yeah... most of the time it's in the morning!
Labor Signs: No...thank goodness!
Belly Button in or out? It's kinda half way out...most of the time! The right side is poking it's little self out.
What I miss: Sushi. It's always sushi! I love it and I miss it so much!
What I am looking forward to: Getting the furniture (which came in) actually in the nursery! Friday!! AND...My baby shower in a month!! ...AND...hitting my V-day on this coming Friday! 24 weeks!
Weekly Wisdom: I've not really gotten any wisdom from anyone...besides the.."You won't use a changin table"...that's pretty much it!
Milestones: 2nd to the last 4 week appt was this past Friday!
Pictures to come later...when I actaully leave this place (work) and get home...
Later and God Bless!
I finished the wall art!!

Nursery Decor Ideas

I've hand drawn the birds that I'm going to cut out of the same scrapbook paper that I'm going to use on the letters. It will all be uniform. All I will have to paint on the pictures is the background (which is going to be the blue color) and the branches (dark brown) and blossoms. (yellow, red and light brown)) The birds will be red, yellow, and light brown.
22 Weeks!!
How big is the baby this month:
Weeks 21-24 (Month 5): Papaya
Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.
Wednesday - Hump Day
21 weeks
I have my 2nd ultrasound today at 3:30. During the first one, they could not see her stomach (b/c she was empty) so they are going to look again. I'm excited that we get to see her again!!
Baby News called me yesterday and told me that her bedding came in!! I'm so excited. We are going to pick it up just so we will have some sort of idea about what color to paint the nursery. I'm thinking a pale yellow. What do you think? Kelly and Jeremy let us "borrow" the toy chest AND have given us permission to paint it. I'm thinking I'm going to paint it red. It will bring a good **pop** of color into the room.

I've decided that I am going to make her name (which we still don't know). I think I'm going to try and find some scrapbook paper with birds on it and modge podge it to the front of the letters. It might be a little busy so I'm going to put them on the opposite wall from the crib. I'm
also going to try and find some wall murals with birds. I got the ideas for the birds from the mobile.
Second: I made a website for my classes today! I'm super proud of myself. This way, absent students can go online and see what they missed. It was fairly easy.
Third: I'm frustrated with work! I'm frustrated with people I work with. Two quetions: 1. What do some people have to be soooooooo argumentative? AND 2. Why can't people just shut up and do the job your were hired to do...without complaining? Maybe some people just get their rocks off by being a pain in my ass!!!
Well...I'm off! Wish Justin and I luck. Keep our little family in your prayers!!
Happy October!!!
First off, I want to ask everyone for thughts and prayers for the Floyd family. Monday, Sept. 28th, Justin's cousin's wife, Joni (cousin is Gavin) had their baby at 28 weeks. Greyden John Floyd was born at 3 lbs and 16 inches long. He is healthy. He was taken off the ventilator on Tuesday and is currently breathing on his own. He will be in the NICU for the next 2 months and will continue to develop his little body. He and his mommy and daddy need all the prayers you can give.
I will update again tomorrow. Maybe some pictures!!
Meet Maverick!!

We ordered our crib and bedding!!!
Plus we got the mobile, the lamp (not pictured) and the hamper (also not pictured)
Here's the website for so you can see all the other accessories!

Justin and I are super lucky. The in-laws bought our crib and my parents bought our bedding and accessories!! We know we are blessed. We don't take it for granted and we thank God everyday for great examples of parents!! Thank you!
Tomorrow I will be 20 weeks!! YAH!!! I can't believe that I'm half way through my pregnancy! It's cliche, but it seems like only yesterday I found out I was preggo. In 20 weeks or less, we will get to meet our darling and precious daughter. Nuts!!!
My friends are great too!! Danielle and Kelly B are going to throw me a shower sometime in the fall and Kelly S. (my SIL) and Nicole are going to throw me one in January. This girl is going to have more clothes that she knows what to do with. Kelly has already mentioned that Hannah and Claire have some clothes they never wore or wore only once! plus, my mom loves going shopping. Yesterday, she gave me 6 outfits. I love going in that room. I know it's empty but UI can't help but think about what it's going to be.
Tuesday, Justin and I went to see Dr. Graves for my 19 1/2 week appt. It went well. The baby's heartrate was 145. Good and steady. it's pretty much stayed around 145-150 the entire time. I weighed 154...which means I've gained 9 pounds since the beginning. That doesn't seem like very much. I promise I eat!!
Justin and I are still having trouble coming up with a name for our daughter. Here's some possibilites. Please, feel free to give opinions.
Lucy Mae
Abigail Rae
Abigail Marie
Molly Erin
Molly Grace
Abigail Lucy
Gail is MIL's middle name and Raye is my mom's middle name. So far, Abigail Rae is at the top of the list...BUT...my mom hates it!! She doesn't like Rae...don't ask me why though! So...our daughter remains baby girl Floyd...or Flina :)
Time to complain: I am sooooo tired. This weather is killing me. this week is going by so slow!! It's seems like I've had something every morning this week and something every afternoon. For example: I had an intervention team meeting at 7:00 this morning. I'm new to the committee and I believe in the cause so in the end my sleep can suffer.
On a happier note: (and then I will finish...so much to tell this week) Justin and I are going to buy a new car for ME!!! We're looking at the Honda Pilot.

I think we're going to Fayetville to see Sam and Ross and Leah...and to Landers. You know, when I lived in Arkansas I alsways felt left out b/c I didn't have a car from Lander's...yah for new cars!!
Pray for us!!
19 Weeks
Total weight gain?: 5 - 6 pounds...I go up and down
How big is baby?:

Maternity clothes?: All of my pants and most of my shirts. I love them!
Stretch marks?: No yet...thank you lord
Sleep?: I'm okay. I don't have to get up and pee 4 or 5 times a night anymore.
Best moment this week?: Justin and I cleaned out the nusery room last weekend. The room is ready to recieve. We are going shopping tomorrow. Hopefully we are going to find a crib and some bedding.
Movement?: I've felt a flutter but that was 2 weeks ago. Nothing since. Kinda freaks me out but I'm trying to stay calm.
Food cravings?: I love food!!
Labor signs?: No
Belly button in or out?: Still in...but it's protruding just ever so slightly!
What I miss?: still sushi from Haruno
What I'm looking forward to?: Tomorrow we are going shopping at Baby News for a crib and bedding. We might also go shopping for a new car for me and the baby! I think we are going to test drive a Honda Pilot.
We are on Team...
We found out yesterday that Justin and I are going to have a precious, little, baby girl in Feburary. It was a little overwhelming but I can honestly say that I already love her!
I went to sleep last night thinking about all the "fun" times there will be in 15ish years. Teen girls are so much fun! I'm reasy for a little Sara.
The neices, Hannah and Claire, were "excited". We went to eat at Texas Roadhouse.
I love my daughter!! I'll upload photos later.
Baby Nursery Ideas
We went to Babies r' us last night to look at cribs. We didn't really see anything we liked. We decided to buy from Baby News. We haven't been over there yet but there are a few we've seen online that we love!!
Nothing has really popped out at me yet though! I kinda think everything is going to end up on the gender.
I have also posted a couple options for bedding and themes.
For a girl's room:

I'm loving the Dr. Suess room!!!